Even when their parents are mindful of their needs and work to minimize the stresses that may fall upon them, children of divorce can have difficult lives at first. New York parents who have ended their marriages in divorce understand that it is difficult to protect...
Month: August 2017
Rights of victims of domestic abuse
The image that a New York family shows to the world may be very different than the reality of the family's everyday life. While many families operate with love and disagreements, never allowing either to cause extreme or dangerous behavior between the members, others...
Don’t let divorce derail your financial future
Many New Yorkers have spent their lifetimes working hard and building up their wealth so that one day they may retire and enjoy a less stressful existence. From savings accounts to retirement plans to individual investments their financial assets may be just enough...
How a business is valued during divorce proceedings
Divorce can be an emotionally draining process for everyone involved. To make matters more difficult, divorce can be a legally complicated process, too. Generally speaking, the more assets you and your spouse have acquired, the more complex your case may be. One...