If a New York resident takes the step to initiate legal action against another person in civil court, then it likely means that they have weighed their options and have determined that this action is the best way to protect his or her interests. Whether they wish to prevent a neighbor from damaging their property or collect damages on a personal injury claim, a person who files a lawsuit usually does so to improve their own legal situation.
However, in the realm of family law, it is not uncommon for parents to initiate legal action in order to preserve the best interests of their children. For example, while a review of a child’s custodial plan may benefit a parent through increased time with the youth or a more accommodating schedule for the grown-up, changes to an operating child custody agreement or order may not be implemented if it is not in the interest of the child.
Previously, this family law blog has discussed child custody modifications and they types of circumstances that may support such legally important steps. When a child’s needs have modified beyond what existed when their parents’ divorced a change to their custodial schedule may be required in order to protect their educational, health or other important needs.
To begin a child custody modification review a New York parent must file the appropriate legal paperwork with a court that has jurisdiction over such matters. The attorneys of Advocate LLP are available to consult with parents who want to protect their children’s interests and believe that changing their kids’ custodial schedules is necessary to providing them with the support they require in the New Year.
To learn more, check out our law firm’s child custody website. This could help divorcing or divorced parent understand their rights and how best to resolve any disputes that might arise.