It’s prime time to get a vacation in before school starts. The first vacation after a divorce can be difficult. You must imagine your vacation in a whole new way. A successful trip post your divorce can be difficult, but it can also be empowering.
Communication will be a key factor in making your vacation successful. You should discuss your travel plans with your ex. Make sure your ex understands where you and the kids will be going, and how long you will be gone. It is helpful if you agree to keep in contact with one another while you are gone. Let the kids check-in. They will want to share the experience with both parents. A phone call or email system will allow the children to do this.
You should also keep the lines of communication open with your children. Make sure they feel comfortable sharing their feelings about the trip—especially if it is the first trip post-divorce.
As with any vacation, you will also want to be prepared. A vacation alone with your kids could pose new responsibilities. Prior to your divorce you probably shared the duties with your spouse. Make sure lodging and transportation are all set. You will also need to make sure proper documents are ready to go.
If you are traveling inside the country, make sure that your travel plans are documented. If you and your ex use a co-parenting calendar or have a specific parenting plan that covers travel, make sure that the trip is recorded on the calendar and falls within the guidelines of the agreement.
If you are traveling outside the country, you will need to make sure your children’s passports are ready.
Obtaining a passport for your child will require a collaborative effort between you and your ex.
- You will both need to sign the DS-11 form for your children under 16 as proof of parental consent.
- You and your spouse will have to show proof of parental relationship.
- You will need to provide proof of US citizenship—typically the child’s birth certificate.
- You and your spouse must bring your own proof of ID.
- You will need to provide a passport photo of your child.